Bridge (Hub Layer <-> Verse)

This Bridge is an import of the Bridge Smart Contract developed by Oasy Team into Tealswap.

Step1. Select Bridge Route( From/To Chain )

Please select the sending and receiving layers for the token. One of them must be the Oasys Hub Layer.

Step2. Select Asset type to Transfer

Users can transfer assets in the form of either tokens (ERC-20) or non-fungible tokens (NFTs, ERC-721).

Step3-1. Send(Bridge) Token to other Layer

After selecting the type of token, please enter the amount of the token you want to send and press the 'Execute Bridge' button.

If the token you are sending is not OAS, an approval process may be required.

Please check the approval method

Step3-2 Send(Bridge) NFT to other layer

After selecting the type of token, please enter the amount of the token you want to send and press the 'Execute Bridge' button.

For each unique NFT asset on a single layer, the approval process may be required initially.

Please check the approval method [here](Approve docs link).

Note that currently, the Oasys Hub - Verse Bridge only supports bridging NFTs of the OASYX type

Step4. Check Result

After submitting the Bridge request and upon the confirmation of the Bridge transaction on the From Layer, you may see a screen like the one below.

However, please note that it may take some time for the Bridge transaction to be confirmed on the To Layer, where you will actually receive your assets.

If you want to check the transaction record on the From chain, please press the 'Go to Explorer' button on the screen

Last updated